Accredited Workshops for Medical Professionals

Accredited Continuing Education Workshops on Soft Tissue Assessment and Treatment
CE-PD 16.5-hour and/or 7-hour

At Ponderosa Pines Mountain Spa the cost is $445 Canadian, which includes two full days of workshops, food, and accommodation.

Workshops can be arranged at any location.

The workshop includes the following topics:

  • how emotional factors create muscle holding patterns that stagnate the lymphatic pump
  • how inflammation stimulates nociceptive pain****
  • how massage can restore proper functioning of the internal organs
  • how stress affects the pain-tension cycle
  • how to develop your palpation skills to better locate, assess, and treat soft tissue lesions
  • how to relieve CTS, TMJ, TOS, fibromyalgia, trigger points*, pressure points, and arthritis
  • how to use pressure** and trigger points* for treating pain
  • how to use the gate control theory*** of pain to decrease pain during treatment
  • soft tissue pain anatomy and physiology
  • what the bio-mechanics of the joint are
  • what the role of the sympathetic nervous system in maintaining pain is

*Trigger points are painful when pressed on, cause a shortening of the muscle fibers, and have a special property called referred pain. Referred pain means that a trigger point in one muscle can create pain in another area. Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy – What Is It?

*A unique feature that distinguishes Trigger Points from other muscle pain is that Trigger Points almost always refer pain to other areas of the body. This is why many treatments are ineffective. Most treatments assume that the area of pain should also be the source of pain, yet the actual cause could be in a completely different location. Trigger Points and their referred pain can be associated with many conditions, and may even cause some of them! Pressure Pointer Manual.pdf

**Pressure points are found throughout the body. These pressure points are points that, when manipulated in the right manner, can offer pain relief for individuals of all ages.

***The Gate Control Theory of pain asserts that non-painful input closes the “gates” to painful input, which prevents pain sensation from traveling to the central nervous system. Therefore, stimulation by non-noxious input is able to suppress pain. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

***The Gate Control Theory – “Theories of pain: from specificity to gate control”. Journal of Neurophysiology Moayedi, M.; Davis, K. D. (October 2012). 

****Nociceptive pain is caused by damage to body tissue and usually described as a sharp, aching, or throbbing pain. This kind of pain can be due to benign pathology; or by tumors or cancer cells that are growing larger and crowding other body parts near the cancer site. Nociceptive pain may also be caused by cancer spreading to the bones, muscles, or joints, or that causes the blockage of an organ or blood vessels. Types of Chronic Pain

Myofascial [mī·ōfa′shē·əl] “pertaining to a muscle and its sheath of connective tissue, or fascia.” Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.

“You cannot strengthen a muscle that has a trigger point, because the muscle is already physiologically contracted. Too many physical therapists see a weakened muscle and immediately attempt to strengthen it without testing for the presence of trigger points. Attempts at strengthening a muscle with trigger points will only cause the trigger points to worsen…” — Devin Starlanyl, MD author of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Survivor’s Manual

Certified Educator of RMT

CMTBC’s Quality Assurance (QA) Committee bases course approvals on the following criteria: Credits will be awarded for a course that:

  • Has an instructor/s with credentials appropriate to presenting further knowledge and skills to RMTs,
  • Provides instruction at a level that advances the basic education of RMTs at entry-to-practice level, and
  • Is within the scope of practice of RMTs in BC, and supports and builds on practice competencies of RMTs.

The QA Committee also follows criteria for distance learning and specific areas of study.