Biosensor Market

ABATE Qr will exponentially boost Canada’s economic opportunity for a new GDP. It is a disruptive technology, a game changer that will take care of the tax burden associated with pain and its treatment.

  • Biosensor commercialization strategy – a theoretical approach – PubMed article. This paper explains how the interaction between these two key elements shapes biosensor commercialization strategy and biosensor industry dynamics.
  • Global Biosensors Market to Reach US$12 Billion by 2015, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.  Growth in population and increase in number of people getting affected with various health issues such as diabetes and obesity, is driving the need for periodic medical care, in turn propelling market growth of biosensors in medical diagnostics.

The global pain management devices market is exhibiting a CAGR of 13.1% between 2011 and 2018, according to a research report released by Transparency Market Research. The report, titled “Pain Management Devices Market – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2012 – 2018”, explains the complexities of the global pain management devices market through statistical data in a specific chronological order to display the market’s forecast till the given year.

Browse the full Pain Management Devices Market (Electrical Stimulators, Radiofrequency Ablation, Analgesic Pumps, Neurostimulation Devices) – Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2012 – 2018.

According to the report, the global pain management devices market will reach an estimated US$5.0 bn by 2018, should the market hold consistently to the specified growth rate, rising from a recorded value of US$2.0 bn in 2018.Drivers of the global pain management devices market, as listed in the report, include developments in technology that help create desirable expansions to accommodate a larger consumer base, and measures available against the pain that resurfaces after a few years of some surgeries. A TMR analyst said, “Patients are demanding better pain management devices and are preferring those that come with minimally invasive procedures. This includes implantable analgesic pumps and neurostimulators”.

Chronic pain is costing the US up to $635 Billion a year, affects approximately 1/3 of the U.S. population. Pain is considered “the fifth vital sign” and must be measured and we have a disruptive technology solution. In my 30 years of medical practice and in treating professional Athletes, their testimonials state up to 100% results within a few treatments. “ABATE Qr” duplicates my medical skills; it locates, measures, and treats inflammation that causes pain. The unifying theory or law of pain states the origin of all pain is inflammation and the inflammatory response.

The report also discusses the multiple organizations in the global pain management devices market that are working collectively towards the welfare of patients with unmet needs. Their efforts are making it possible to create niche segments in the global pain management devices market to cater towards uncommon patients. The report also contains data on the restraints on the global pain management devices market, including the overall cost efficiency of pain management products, the difficulty of accomplishing readout times, and business miniaturization. The top companies are working towards mitigating these restraints in order to increase productivity and sales in the global pain management devices market.Key players in the global pain management devices market are Boston Scientific, Medtronic Inc., Kimberly-Clark, and St. Jude Medical


  • Placed in the top 10 finalists twice in the New Ventures BC business plan competition
  • Taking second place for the “Best Pre-Revenue Company ” at the Angel Forum
  • Placed in the top four twice – Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST) Spirit of Innovation Spirit of Innovation awards Innovative Individual Awards Finalists and the Most Promising Emerging Company Award Finalists

Grant Funding

Letters of Support

  • Letter of support for the nomination of ASSESSx Technology Ltd. for the BC Innovation Council Awards by The Kootenay Association for Science and Technology (KAST)
  • Letter of appreciation by Benno Friesen, MP surrey-White Rock North Delta
  • Letter of appreciation for course “Soft Tissue Lesion Diagnosis” Marianne Yager CMP Culew WA
  • Letter of appreciation by Paula Wolkosky Service Coordinator Grand Forks Credit Union
  • Letter by David Arscott
  • Newspaper article by Mona Mattei about Jocelyn Cowie medical device that facilitates the diagnosis and evaluation of pain treatments and that Cowie’s company, ASSESSx Technology Lit., will be a part of a Canadian Consulate General partnering mission to the U.S. in February

John Armstrong MD, PhD, nominated Cowie for the Ernst and Young Entrepreneurial Award for her work on the Advanced Biosensor Assessment Treatment and Evaluation (ABATE) system. He has stated: “The device could move forward a lot of personal injury lawsuits and insurance claims related to pain from soft tissue damage, which still remains very subjective. What we would like to see is some evidence of pain, some measurable evidence in a form of imaging or a data collection system.”